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Book Topics:


Valuation Techniques: Discounted Cash Flow, Earnings Quality, Measures of Value Added, and Real Options
David T. Larrabee, Jason A. Voss
(c) 2013
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > Two Illustrative Approaches to Formula Valuations of Common Stocks
  • Chp.03 > Company Performance and Measures of Value Added
  • Chp.05 > Discounted-Cash-Flow Approach to Valuation
  • Chp.07 > Traditional Equity Valuation Methods
  • Chp.09 > Franchise Valuation under Q-Type Competition
  • Chp.11 > FEVA: A Financial and Economic Approach to Valuation
  • Chp.13 > Choosing the Right Valuation Approach
  • Chp.15 > Earnings: Measurement, Disclosure, and the Impact on Equity Valuation
  • Chp.17 > Accounting Valuation: Is Earnings Quality an Issue?
  • Chp.19 > Is Cash Flow King in Valuations?
  • Chp.21 > Employee Stock Option Valuation with an Early Exercise Boundary
  • Chp.23 > Real-Options Valuation for a Biotechnology Company


Private Wealth: Wealth Management in Practice
Stephen M. Horan
(c) 2009
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > The Future of Retirement Planning
  • Chp.03 > Lifetime Financial Advice: Human Capital, Asset Allocation, and Insurance
  • Chp.05 > Is Conventional Financial Planning Good for Your Financial Health?
  • Chp.07 > The Longevity Annuity: An Annuity for Everyone?
  • Chp.09 > Asset Allocation without Unobservable Parameters
  • Chp.11 > Core/Satellite Strategies for the High-Net-Worth Investor
  • Chp.13 > Tax Deferral and Tax-Loss Harvesting
  • Chp.15 > Investing with a Tax-Efficient Eye
  • Chp.17 > Hedging Low-Cost-Basis Stock
  • Chp.19 > After-Tax Asset Allocation
  • Chp.21 > After-Tax Performance Evaluation
  • Chp.23 > Explaining After-Tax Mutual Fund Performance


Risk Management: Foundations for a Changing Financial World
Walter V. Haslett
(c) 2010
John Wiley & Sons

  • Chp.01 > A Framework for Understanding Market Crisis
  • Chp.03 > The Three P's of Total Risk Management
  • Chp.05 > Risk Management: A Review
  • Chp.07 > Value and Risk: Beyond Betas
  • Chp.09 > Managing Firm Risk
  • Chp.11 > What Volatility Tells Us about Diversification and Risk Management
  • Chp.13 > How Risk Management Can Benefit Portfolio Managers
  • Chp.15 > The Mismeasurement of Risk
  • Chp.17 > The Second Moment
  • Chp.19 > Understanding and Monitoring the Liquidity Crisis Cycle
  • Chp.21 > Black Monday and Black Swans
  • Chp.23 > Risk Management for Hedge Funds: Introduction and Overview
  • Chp.25 > Sources of Change and Risk for Hedge Funds
  • Chp.27 > Hedge Funds: Risk and Return
  • Chp.29 > Tumbling Tower of Babel: Subprime Securitization and the Credit Crisis
  • Chp.31 > The Uses and Risks of Derivatives
  • Chp.33 > Risk-Management Programs
  • Chp.35 > Risk Management and Fiduciary Duties
  • Chp.37 > Universal Hedging: Optimizing Currency Risk and Reward in International Equity Portfolios
  • Chp.39 > Currency Risk Management in Emerging Markets
  • Chp.41 > Country Risk in Global Financial Management
  • Chp.43 > A Behavioral Perspective on Risk Management
  • Chp.45 > The Ten Commandments of Operational Due Diligence
  • Chp.47 > The Use and Misuse of Models in Investment Management
  • Chp.49 > Budgeting and Monitoring Pension Fund Risk
  • Chp.51 > Evaluating a Risk-Management Program
  • Chp.53 > Liability-Driven Investment Strategies for Pension Funds
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