[ Business | Finance | Prog/IT | Structure | Terms | BkDB App | >> ] |
Terms/Links: |
------------------- | |||
4Cs | > | Customer Solution, Customer Cost, Convenience, and Communication | |
4Ps | > | Product, Price, Place, and Promotion | |
ANSI | > | American National Standards Institute {.us} | |
B2B | > | Business To Business | |
B2C | > | Business To Consumer | |
B2G | > | Business To Government | |
BA | > | Bachelor of Arts | |
BA | > | Business Analyst | |
BBA | > | Bachelor of Business Administration | |
BC | > | Business Consultant | |
BCG | > | The Boston Consulting Group Inc. {.us} | |
BCGmtrx | > | Boston Consulting Group Matrix {growth-share} | |
BI | > | Business Intelligence | |
BP | > | Business Partner | |
BP | > | Business Plan | |
BP | > | Business Process | |
BPI | > | Business Process Improvement | |
BPM | > | Business Process Management | |
BPO | > | Business Process Outsourcing | |
BPR | > | Business Process Reengineering | |
BS | > | Bachelor of Science | |
BUS | > | Business | |
CAD | > | Computer Aided Design | |
CAM | > | Computer Aided Manufacturing | |
CAT | > | Category | |
CCO | > | Chief Commercial Officer | |
CEN | > | European Committee for Standardization {.be} | |
CEO | > | Chief Executive Officer | |
CFO | > | Chief Financial Officer | |
CHRO | > | Chief Human Resource Officer | |
CIO | > | Chief Information Officer | |
CIO | > | Chief Innovation Officer | |
CIO | > | Chief Investment Officer | |
CKO | > | Chief Knowledge Officer | |
CMO | > | Chief Marketing Officer | |
CMS|EMS | > | Content/Entreprise Management System {web} | |
COM | > | Communication | |
CONS | > | Consultant/Consulting | |
COO | > | Chief Operating Officer | |
CPM | > | Critical Path Method | |
CPO | > | Chief Procurement Officer | |
CPO | > | Chief Pension Officer | |
CPO | > | Chief Production Officer | |
CPO | > | Chief Personnel Officer | |
CRM | > | Customer Relationship Management | |
CRO | > | Chief Risk Officer | |
CSO | > | Chief Security Officer | |
CSO | > | Chief Sientific Officer | |
CSR | > | Corporate Social Responsibility | |
CTO | > | Chief Technical Officer | |
CTO | > | Chief Technology Officer | |
CTO | > | Chief Trading Officer | |
DBA | > | Doctorate of Business Administration | |
DEPT | > | Department | |
DIV | > | Division | |
DSS | > | Decision Support System | |
eBUS | > | electronic Business | |
eCOM | > | electronic Commerce | |
EDI | > | Electronic Data Interchange | |
EDU | > | Education | |
ERM | > | Entreprise Risk Management | |
ERP | > | Entreprise Resource Planning {IT} | |
HRM | > | Human Resource Management | |
IMD | > | International Institute for Management Development {.ch} | |
IND | > | Industry | |
IS | > | Information Service {dept} | |
ISO | > | International Organization for Standardization {.ch} | |
JIT | > | Just In Time | |
KPI | > | Key Performance Indicator | |
KRI | > | Key Risk Indicator | |
KYC | > | Know Your Customer | |
KYCC | > | Know Your Customer's Customer | |
L&D | > | Learning and Development | |
LBS | > | London Business School {.uk} | |
MA | > | Master of Arts | |
MBA | > | Master of Business Administration | |
MIS | > | Management Information System | |
MKTG | > | Marketing | |
MNGT | > | Management | |
MS | > | Master of Science | |
OPER | > | Operational/Operation | |
ORG | > | Organization | |
OU | > | Organizational Unit | |
PERT | > | Program Evaluation and Review Technique | |
PhD | > | Doctor of Philosophy / Philosophiae Doctor | |
PR | > | Public Relations | |
PROC | > | Procurement/Procure | |
PROD | > | Product/Production | |
PUB | > | Publication/Publish | |
SBU | > | Strategic Business Unit | |
SCM | > | Supply Chain Management | |
SMB | > | Small to Medium(-sized) Business {SME} | |
SME | > | Small to Medium(-sized) Enterprise | |
SMM | > | Social Media Marketing | |
SOHO | > | Small Office / Home Office | |
SRM | > | Supplier Relationship Management | |
STGY | > | Strategy | |
SWOT | > | Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats {analysis} | |
TOC | > | Theory Of Constraints | |
TOP | > | Topic | |
TQM | > | Total Quality Management | |
TTM | > | Time To Market | |
UNI | > | University | |
VP | > | Vice President | |
WEB | > | Webster University {.ch} | |
------------------ | |||
ADR | > | Alternative Dispute Resolution | |
CIDS | > | Center for International Dispute Settlement {IHEID} | |
CO | > | Company | |
CORP | > | Corporate/Corporation | |
DiPLO | > | DiploFoundation {.mt} | |
DTT | > | Double Taxation Treaty | |
FRAND | > | Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory | |
G7 | > | Group of Seven {.ca .fr .de .it .jp .uk .us} | |
GOV | > | Government/Governance | |
IBC | > | International Business Company/Corporation {offshore, tax heaven} | |
IHEID | > | Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies {.ch} | |
INC | > | Incorporation {.us} | |
INST | > | Institute | |
INT | > | International | |
ISDS | > | Investor-State Dispute Settlement | |
LLC | > | Limited Liability Company {.us} | |
LLP | > | Limited Liability Partnership {.us} | |
LP | > | Limited Partnership {.us} | |
LTD | > | Private Limited Company {.uk} | |
MOU | > | Memorandum Of Understanding {desc, nonbinding agreement} | |
NFP | > | Not-For-Profit {NPO} | |
NGO | > | Non-Governmental Organization {NPO} | |
NPO | > | Non-Profit Organization {non-bus: corp/trust/association} | |
OSCE | > | Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe {.at} | |
PLC | > | Public Limited Company {.uk} | |
PLLC | > | Professional Limited Liability Company {.us} | |
POL | > | Political/Politics | |
PROP | > | Property | |
REG | > | Regulation/Regulate | |
RFP | > | Request For Proposal {proc bidding} | |
SA | > | Société Anonyme {.ch} | |
SARL | > | Société à Responsabilité Limitée {.ch} | |
SE | > | European Company / Societas Europaea {public limited .eu} | |
SEP | > | Standard Essential Patent | |
SLA | > | Service Level Agreement | |
SRO | > | Self-Regulatory Organization {NPO over ind/pro} | |
ToR | > | Terms of Reference {desc/specs, conditions} | |
UN | > | United Nations {.us} | |
WIPO | > | World Intellectual Property Organization {.ch} | |
------------------ | |||
AD | > | Aggregate Demand | |
AS | > | Aggregate Supply | |
BOP | > | Balance Of Payments | |
CPI | > | Consumer Price Index | |
ECON | > | Economics {macro, micro} | |
ERM | > | Exchange Rate Mechanism {FX fixing} | |
FX | > | Foreign Exchange {market} | |
GDP | > | Gross Domestic Product {= C + I + G + NX} | |
GDPdef | > | Gross Domestic Product Deflator | |
GNP | > | Gross National Product | |
IBRD | > | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development {WBG} | |
ICSID | > | International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes {WBG} | |
IDA | > | International Development Association {WBG} | |
IFC | > | International Finance Corporation {WBG} | |
ILO | > | International Labor Organization {.ch} | |
IMF | > | International Monetary Fund {.us} | |
IRP | > | Interest Rate Parity | |
LDC | > | Less/Least Developed Country | |
LSE | > | London School of Economics and Political Science {.uk} | |
MACRO | > | Macroeconomics | |
MICRO | > | Microeconomics | |
MIGA | > | Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency {WBG} | |
NX | > | Net Exports {= X - M} | |
OECD | > | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development {.fr} | |
P | > | Price | |
PPI | > | Producer Price Index | |
PPP | > | Purchasing Power Parity | |
Q | > | Quantity | |
QE | > | Quantitative Easing | |
SAP | > | Speculative Asset Price {bubble} | |
SRAS | > | Short Run Aggregate Supply | |
TARP | > | Troubled Asset Relief Program | |
WBG | > | World Bank Group {.us} | |
------------------- | |||
A/P | > | Accounts Payable | |
A/R | > | Accounts Receivable | |
ABC | > | Activity Based Costing | |
ABM | > | Activity Based Management | |
ACCT | > | Account/Accounting | |
ADR | > | Asset Depreciation Range {IRS} | |
AICPA | > | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants {.us} | |
AMT | > | Alternative Minimum Tax | |
ASC | > | Accounting Standards Codification {FASB} | |
BE | > | Break-Even {point} | |
BIG4 | > | Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers | |
CAPEX | > | Capital Expenditure | |
CECL | > | Current Expected Credit Loss | |
CF | > | Cash Flow | |
CIA | > | Certified Internal Auditor {IIA} | |
CM | > | Contribution Margin | |
CMA | > | Certified Management Accountant {IMA} | |
COGS | > | Cost Of Goods Sold | |
CPA | > | Certified Public Accountant {AICPA} | |
CVP | > | Cost Volume Profit {analysis} | |
DDB | > | Double Declining Balance {method} | |
EBIT | > | Earnings Before Interest and Taxes | |
EBITDA | > | Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization | |
EY | > | Ernst & Young LLP {Big 4 .uk} | |
FA | > | Financing Activities {CF}: Cash inflows and outflows from transactions with creditors (excluding trade creditors & all interest on debt) and owners. | |
FAS | > | Financial Accounting Standards | |
FASB | > | Financial Accounting Standards Board | |
FIFO | > | First In First Out {inventory} | |
GAAP | > | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | |
GAAS | > | Generally Accepted Auditing Standards | |
GASB | > | Government Accounting Standards Board | |
IA | > | Investing Activities {CF}: Cash inflows and outflows related to the acquisition and disposition of long-lived assets used in the operations of the business such as PP&E and investment assets (except those classified as cash equivalents and trading securities). | |
IAS | > | International Accounting Standards {IASC} | |
IASB | > | International Accounting Standards Board | |
IASC | > | International Accounting Standards Committee | |
IFAC | > | International Federation of Accountants {.us} | |
IFRS | > | International Financial Reporting Standards {IASB} | |
IIA | > | Institute of Internal Auditors {.us} | |
IMA | > | Institute of Management Accountants {.us} | |
INV | > | Inventory | |
IPSAS | > | International Public Sector Accounting Standards | |
IPSASB | > | International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board | |
IRS | > | Internal Revenue Service {gov .us} | |
LIFO | > | Last In First Out {inventory} | |
MACRS | > | Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System {IRS} | |
MD&A | > | Management Discussion and Analysis | |
N/P | > | Notes Payable | |
N/R | > | Notes Receivable | |
NI | > | Net Income | |
NOPAT | > | Net Operating Profit After Taxes | |
OA | > | Operating Activities {CF}: Cash inflows and outflows related to the transactions entering into the determination of net operating income. | |
OPEX | > | Operational Expenditure | |
P&L | > | Profit and Loss {statement} | |
PCAOB | > | Public Company Accounting Oversight Board | |
PMT | > | Payment {CF} | |
PP&E | > | Property Plant and Equipment | |
PwC | > | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP {Big 4 .uk} | |
R&D | > | Research and Development | |
RBB | > | Results-Based Budgeting {UN} | |
RBM | > | Results-Based Management {UN} | |
ROA | > | Return On Assets | |
ROE | > | Return On Equity | |
SFAC | > | Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts {FASB} | |
SFAS | > | Statement of Financial Accounting Standards {FASB} | |
---------------------- | |||
B/E | > | Bill of Exchange | |
B/L | > | Bill of Lading | |
BIC | > | Bank/Business Identifier Code | |
BRIC | > | Brazil, Russia, India, and China | |
CFR | > | Cost and Freight {Incoterms 2010} | |
CIF | > | Cost Insurance and Freight {Incoterms 2010} | |
CIP | > | Carriage and Insurance Paid to {Incoterms 2010} | |
CIS | > | Commonwealth of Independent States {former USSR} | |
CISG | > | Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods | |
CITES | > | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora {.ch} | |
CO | > | Certificate of Origin | |
COM | > | Commercial/Commerce | |
CPT | > | Carriage Paid To {Incoterms 2010} | |
D/A | > | Documents against Acceptance {bills for collection} | |
D/P | > | Documents against Payment {bills for collection} | |
DAF | > | Delivered At Frontier {Incoterms 2000} | |
DAP | > | Delivered At Place {Incoterms 2010} | |
DAT | > | Delivered At Terminal {Incoterms 2010} | |
DDP | > | Delivered Duty Paid {Incoterms 2010} | |
DDU | > | Delivered Duty Unpaid {Incoterms 2000} | |
DEQ | > | Delivered Ex Quay {Incoterms 2000} | |
DES | > | Delivered Ex Ship {Incoterms 2000} | |
EAFE | > | Europe, Australasia, and Far East | |
EU | > | European Union | |
EXW | > | Ex Works {Incoterms 2010} | |
FAS | > | Free Alongside Ship {Incoterms 2010} | |
FCA | > | Free Carrier {Incoterms 2010} | |
FOB | > | Free On Board {Incoterms 2010} | |
GATT | > | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | |
IATA | > | International Air Transport Association {.ca} | |
IBAN | > | International Bank Account Number | |
ICC | > | International Chamber of Commerce {.fr} | |
L/C | > | Letter of Credit | |
MENA | > | Middle East and North Africa | |
NAFTA | > | North American Free Trade Agreement | |
PN | > | Promissory Note | |
RFP | > | Request For Proposal | |
SGS | > | Société Générale de Surveillance SA {.ch} | |
SWIFT | > | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication {.be} | |
TT | > | Telegraphic Transfer | |
UCC | > | Uniform Commercial Code | |
UCP | > | Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits | |
URC | > | Uniform Rules for Collection | |
VAT | > | Value Added Tax {ad valorem} | |
WCO | > | World Customs Organization {.be} | |
WTO | > | World Trade Organization {.ch} | |
----------------------- | |||
[BP] | > | Basis Point {100[bp] = 1%} | |
4Cs | > | Capacity, Collateral, Covenants, and Character {credit analysis} | |
4thMKT | > | Fourth Market {.us}: A term occasionally used for (private) direct trading of securities between institutional investors; the fourth market would include trading on Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs). | |
AA | > | Asset Allocation | |
ABS | > | Asset Backed Security | |
ACT | > | Actual {days} | |
ADR | > | American Depositary Receipt | |
ADV | > | Average Daily Volume {trade} | |
AI | > | Accrued Interest | |
AIMA | > | Alternative Investment Management Association | |
ALIS | > | Autonomous Learning Investment Strategies {AI} | |
ALM | > | Asset/Liability Management {approach} | |
ALPHA | > | Jensen's Alpha {SML, risk adjusted active return} | |
AO | > | Asset-Only {approach} | |
AON | > | All Or Nothing {full order} | |
APR | > | Annual Percentage Rate {simple} | |
APT | > | Arbitrage Pricing Theory {model} | |
APY | > | Annual Percentage Yield {compound} | |
ARB | > | Arbitrageur/Arbitrage | |
ASK | > | Ask(ed) Price {best offer(ed) sell mkt/inside quote}: The price at which a dealer will sell a specified quantity of a security. Also called ask, offer price, or offer. | |
AT | > | Automated/Algorithmic Trading {prog/basket, smart routing, rules-based, AI}: Any form of trading that is not manual, including electronic trading based on algorithms which is subject to quantitative rules and user-specified benchmarks and constraints. | |
ATS | > | Automated/Algorithmic Trading System | |
ATS | > | Alternative Trading System {reg elec trade: ECN, cross net, call/batch mkt .us .ca} | |
AUM | > | Assets Under Management {ad valorem fee} | |
BA | > | Banker's Acceptance | |
BD | > | Bank Discount Basis {simple ACT/360, discount/face} | |
BD | > | Broker/Dealer {sell-side trade}: A financial intermediary (often a company) that may function as a principal (dealer) or as an agent (broker) depending on the type of trade. Broker/dealers sell securities and make recommendations for various customers, such as investment managers and institutional investors. | |
BDY | > | Bank Discount Yield {simple ACT/360, on bank discount basis} | |
BETA | > | Beta {SML, systematic risk exposure, = dRp/dRm} | |
BEY | > | Bond Equivalent Yield {simple, = YTM x 2} | |
BID | > | Bid Price {best buy mkt/inside quote}: In a price quotation, the price at which the party making the quotation is willing to buy a specified quantity of an asset or security. | |
BSM | > | Black Scholes Merton {model} | |
CAIA | > | Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst {.us} | |
CAL | > | Capital Allocation Line | |
CAP | > | Capital/Capitalization {micro, small, mid, large mkt} | |
CAPM | > | Capital Asset Pricing Model | |
CAT | > | Catastrophe Bond | |
CCP | > | Central Counterparty {clearing house}: Clearing house that interposes itself between counterparties to contracts traded in OTC financial markets. | |
CD | > | Certificate of Deposit | |
CDO | > | Collateralized Debt Obligation | |
CDPC | > | Credit Derivative Product Company | |
CDS | > | Credit Default Swap | |
CE | > | Certainty Equivalent | |
CFA | > | Chartered Financial Analyst - CFA Institute {.us} | |
CFaR | > | Cash Flow at Risk | |
CFP | > | Certified Financial Planner {.us} | |
CIIA | > | Certified International Investment Analyst {.ch} | |
CIPM | > | Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement {CFA} | |
CIWM | > | Certified International Wealth Manager {.ch} | |
CLO | > | Collateralized Loan Obligation | |
CLS | > | Continuously Linked Settlement | |
CML | > | Capital Market Line | |
COM | > | Commission | |
CONSOL | > | Consol / Perpetuity Bond {infinite annuity, = c/r} | |
CONV | > | Convexity {bond d2P, parallel yield dY[bp]} | |
CP | > | Commercial Paper | |
CPPI | > | Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance | |
CVaR | > | Credit/Default Value at Risk {credit at risk} | |
D/P | > | Dividend Yield {trailing, leading} | |
DAA | > | Dynamic Asset Allocation | |
DCF | > | Discounted Cash Flow {valuation model} | |
DDM | > | Dividend Discount Model {valuation} | |
DELTA | > | Delta {option dP, stock dS} | |
DFL | > | Degree of Financial Leverage | |
DIB | > | Deferred Interest Bond | |
DMA | > | Direct Market Access {exec platform}: Platforms sponsored by brokers that permit buy-side traders to directly access equities, fixed income, futures, and foreign exchange markets, clearing via the broker. | |
DOL | > | Degree of Operating Leverage | |
DPC | > | Derivative Product Company {SPV} | |
DTL | > | Degree of Total Leverage {= DOL + DFL} | |
DUR | > | Duration {weighted average maturity} | |
DV01 | > | Dollar Duration {bond dP, parallel yield dY[bp]} | |
EaR | > | Earnings at Risk | |
EAR | > | Effective/Equivalent Annual Rate {compound, = EAY} | |
EAY | > | Effective Annual Yield {compound ACT/365} | |
ECN | > | Electronic Communication Network {elec lim order mkt}: Computer-based auctions that operate continuously within the day using a specified set of rules to execute orders. | |
EDPC | > | Enhanced Derivative Product Company {SPV} | |
effDUR | > | Effective Duration {bond %dP, parallel yield dY[bp]} | |
effSPRD | > | Effective Spread {= |exec P - mid| * 2}: Two times the distance between the actual execution price and the midpoint of the market quote at the time an order is entered; a measure of execution costs that captures the effects of price improvement and market impact. | |
EMH | > | Efficient Market Hypothesis | |
EPS | > | Earnings Per Share {basic, diluted, normalized} | |
ERP | > | Energy Risk Professional {GARP} | |
ESG | > | Environmental, Social and Governance Risk | |
ETF | > | Exchange-Traded Fund | |
ETY | > | Equivalent Taxable Yield {= Rm/(1 - t)} | |
EV | > | Entreprise Value | |
EV | > | Expected Value {= WM} | |
EVA | > | Economic Value Added | |
EVAL | > | Evaluation/Evaluate | |
FCF | > | Free Cash Flow {FCFF, FCFE} | |
FCFE | > | Free Cash Flow to Equity | |
FCFF | > | Free Cash Flow to the Firm | |
FIN | > | Financial/Finance | |
FINTECH | > | Financial Technology | |
FOF | > | Fund Of Funds | |
FOK | > | Fill Or Kill {full immediate order} | |
FRA | > | Forward Rate Agreement | |
FRM | > | Financial Risk Manager {GARP} | |
FV | > | Future Value | |
FVA | > | Future Value (Ordinary) Annuity | |
FVAD | > | Future Value Annuity Due | |
GAMMA | > | Gamma {option d2P, stock dS} | |
GARP | > | Global Association of Risk Professionals {.us} | |
GARP | > | Growth at Reasonable Price {core/blend equity style investing} | |
GBI | > | Goals-Based Investing | |
GFD | > | Good For the Day {order} | |
GIGO | > | Garbage In Garbage Out {model risk} | |
GIPS | > | Global Investment Performance Standards {CFA} | |
GOC | > | Good On Close {order} | |
GOO | > | Good On Open {order} | |
GRC | > | Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance | |
GTC | > | Good Till Cancelled {order} | |
HBSA | > | Holdings/Composition-Based Style Analysis {equity investing} | |
HF | > | Hedge Fund | |
HFT | > | High Frequency Trading | |
HNWI | > | High Net Worth Individual | |
HPR | > | Holding Period Return {= HPY} | |
HPY | > | Holding Period Yield | |
HR | > | Hedge Ratio | |
IB | > | Internet Banking | |
IB | > | Investor Breadth {independent decisions} | |
IB | > | Investment Bank/Banking {sell-side trade} | |
IC | > | Information Coefficient {knowledge depth} | |
ICO | > | Initial Coin Offering | |
IDX | > | Index {mkt} | |
INV | > | Investment/Investing {buy-side trade}: Commitment of current resources in the expectation of deriving greater resources in the future. | |
IOC | > | Immediate Or Cancel {full/partial order} | |
IPO | > | Initial Public Offering {primary mkt} | |
IPS | > | Investment Policy Statement | |
IR | > | Information Ratio {active return/risk} | |
IRR | > | Internal Rate of Return | |
IS | > | Implementation Shortfall {cost/trade stgy, arrival price benchmark}: The difference between the money return on a notional or paper portfolio and the actual portfolio return. IS strategy attempts to minimize trading costs as measured by the implementation shortfall method. Also called arrival price strategy. | |
IVaR | > | Incremental Value at Risk | |
LBO | > | Leveraged Buyout | |
LDI | > | Liability-Driven Investing | |
LIBOR | > | London Interbank Offered Rate | |
LIQ | > | Liquid/Liquidity {natural/bridge}: The ability to trade without delay at relatively low cost and in relatively large quantities (small bid-ask spreads, market depth, resilience). | |
LIRR | > | Linked Internal Rate of Return {chain-linked MWR, TWR approx} | |
LOC | > | Limit On Close {GOC order} | |
LOO | > | Limit On Open {GOO order} | |
M&A | > | Merger and Acquisition | |
M2 | > | Modigliani and Modigliani Return {CAL} | |
M2M | > | Marking To Model | |
M2M | > | Marking To Market | |
macDUR | > | Macauley Duration {= DUR} | |
MAR | > | Minimum Acceptable Return | |
MBS | > | Mortgage Backed Security | |
MCP | > | Manager Continuation Policy | |
MCS | > | Monte Carlo Simulation {method} | |
MID | > | Midquote {= mkt(ask + bid)/2}: The halfway point between the market bid and ask prices. | |
MIRR | > | Modified Internal Rate of Return | |
MKT | > | Market | |
MM | > | Money Market {less than 1 year} | |
MM | > | Modigliani and Miller Theorem {cap struct} | |
MM | > | Market Maker / Dealer {sell-side trade, bridge liq}: A business entity that is ready to buy an asset for inventory or sell an asset from inventory to provide the other side of an order. Also called market maker. | |
MMY | > | Money Market Yield {simple ACT/360, CD equivalent Yield} | |
MOC | > | Market On Close {GOC order}: A market order to be executed at the closing of the market. | |
modDUR | > | Modified Duration {bond %dP, parallel yield dY[bp]} | |
MOO | > | Market On Open {GOO order}: A market order to be executed at the opening of the market. | |
MPT | > | Modern Portfolio Theory: Principles underlying analysis and evaluation of rational portfolio choices based on risk–return trade-offs and efficient diversification. | |
MTF | > | Multilateral Trading Facility {reg elec trade .eu} | |
MV | > | Market Value | |
MVA | > | Market Value Added | |
MVHR | > | Minimum Variance Hedge Ratio {opt HR} | |
MVO | > | Mean-Variance Optimization | |
MWR(R) | > | Money-Weighted (Rate of) Return {IRR}: Same as the internal rate of return; the growth rate that will link the ending value of the account to its beginning value plus all intermediate cash flows. | |
NAV | > | Net Asset Value | |
NDF | > | Non-Deliverable Forward {cash settlement} | |
NPV | > | Net Present Value | |
NRFR | > | Nominal Risk Free Rate | |
NTM | > | Next Twelve Months {forward/leading} | |
OID | > | Original Issue Discount | |
OIS | > | Overnight Indexed Swap | |
OMS | > | Order Management System {trade blotter}: A device for entering and tracking trade executions and orders to trade. | |
OTC | > | Over The Counter {dealer 2nd mkt, apart from national/regional exchanges}: An informal network of brokers and dealers who negotiate sales of securities (not a formal exchange). | |
P/B | > | Price to Book Value Ratio {per share} | |
P/E | > | Price to Earnings Ratio {EPS} | |
PERF | > | Performance {eval: measurement, attribution, appraisal}: The measurement and assessment of the outcomes of investment management decisions consisting of performance measurement: the relatively simple procedure of calculating the rate of return; performance attribution: the comparison with a designated benchmark for the identification and quantification of sources of differential returns; and performance appraisal: the quantitative assessment of the manager’s investment skill. | |
PIK | > | Payment In Kind | |
PIPE | > | Private Investment in Public Entity | |
POV | > | Percentage Of Volume {cost/trade stgy}: POV logical participation strategy assumes trading takes place in proportion to overall market volume (typically at a rate of 5–20 percent) until the order is completed. | |
PRMIA | > | Professional Risk Managers' International Association | |
PV | > | Present Value | |
PVA | > | Present Value (Ordinary) Annuity | |
PVAD | > | Present Value Annuity Due | |
RAROC | > | Risk Adjusted Return On Capital | |
RBSA | > | Returns-Based Style Analysis {equity investing} | |
REIT | > | Real Estate Investment Trust | |
REPO|RP | > | Repurchase Agreement {overnight/term, reverse} | |
RFR | > | Risk Free Rate | |
ROI | > | Return On/Of Investment | |
ROIC|ROC | > | Return On/Of (Invested) Capital {= ROI} | |
RoMAD | > | Return over Maximum Drawdown | |
RRFR | > | Real Risk Free Rate | |
RSI | > | Relative Strength Indicator | |
SAA | > | Strategic Asset Allocation: The process of allocating money to IPS-permissible asset classes that integrates the investor's return objectives, risk tolerance, and investment constraints with long-run capital market expectations. The result of the above process is also known as the policy portfolio. | |
SCL | > | Security Characteristic Line | |
SEF | > | Swap Execution Facility | |
SMA | > | Separately Managed Account | |
SML | > | Security Market Line | |
softCOM | > | Soft Dollars/Commission {trade practice}: The use of commissions to buy services other than execution services. Also called soft dollar arrangements or soft commissions. | |
SPRD[%] | > | Spread | |
SPV|SPE | > | Special Purpose Vehicle/Entity | |
SR | > | Sharpe Ratio {CAL, reward to volatility} | |
SR | > | Sortino Ratio | |
SRI | > | Socially Responsible Investing {ethical, positive/negative screens} | |
STP | > | Straight Through Processing {full auto, elec}: Systems that simplify transaction processing through the minimization of manual and/or duplicative intervention in the process from trade placement to settlement. | |
TAA | > | Tactical Asset Allocation: Asset allocation that involves making short-term adjustments to asset class weights based on short-term predictions of relative performance among asset classes. | |
TE | > | Tracking Error {active return} | |
TE(V) | > | Tracking Error (Volatility) {active risk}: The standard deviation of the differences between a portfolio's returns and its benchmark's returns; a synonym of active risk. Also called tracking risk. | |
THETA | > | Theta {option dP, time to expiration d(T - t)} | |
TR | > | Treynor Ratio {SML} | |
TRADE | > | Trader/Trading {principal, prog/basket} | |
TRR | > | Total Rate of Return {capital gain/loss, income}: A measure of the increase in the investor’s wealth due to both investment income (for example, dividends and interest) and capital gains (both realized and unrealized). | |
TTM | > | Trailing Twelve Months | |
TVaR | > | Tail Value at Risk | |
TVM | > | Time Value of Money | |
TWAP | > | Time-Weighted Average Price {cost/trade stgy, equal-weighted benchmark}: TWAP logical participation strategy assumes a flat volume profile and trades in proportion to time. | |
TWR(R) | > | Time-Weighted (Rate of) Return {GM}: The compound rate of growth over a stated evaluation period of one unit of money initially invested in the account. | |
VAL | > | Value/Valuation | |
VaR | > | Value at Risk | |
VC | > | Venture Capital | |
VEGA | > | Vega {option dP, stock dSD(S)} | |
VWAP | > | Volume-Weighted Average Price {cost/trade stgy, benchmark}: The average price at which a security is traded during a day (period), where each trade price is weighted by the fraction of the day’s (period) volume associated with the trade. VWAP logical participation strategy involves breaking up an order over time according to a prespecified volume profile. | |
WACC | > | Weighted Average Cost of Capital | |
YTM | > | Yield to Maturity {= IRR} | |
-------------------- | |||
BAI | > | Bank Administration Institute {.us} | |
BIS | > | Bank for International Settlements {.ch} | |
BoE | > | Bank of England {gov .uk} | |
CBOT | > | Chicago Board Of Trade {CME Group .us} | |
CET | > | Central European Time {= UTC +1 .eu} | |
CME | > | Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group Inc. | |
CNBC | > | Consumer News and Business Channel LLC | |
COSO | > | Committee Of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission | |
CS | > | Credit Suisse Group AG {.ch} | |
ECB | > | European Central Bank {.de} | |
EDGAR | > | Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval {SEC} | |
EST | > | Eastern Standard Time {= UTC -5 .us} | |
Fed | > | Federal Reserve {gov .us} | |
FINRA | > | Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. {.us} | |
GICS | > | Global Industry Classification Standard {S&P, MSCI} | |
GMT | > | Greenwich Mean Time {= UTC} | |
GS | > | Goldman Sachs Group Inc. {.us} | |
ICB | > | Industry Classification Benchmark {FTSE} | |
ISDA | > | International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. {.us} | |
LSE | > | London Stock Exchange PLC | |
LTCM | > | Long Term Capital Management {.us} | |
NAICS | > | North American Industry Classification System {gov} | |
NASD | > | National Association of Securities Dealers {FINRA now} | |
NASDAQ | > | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation, Inc. {.us} | |
NYSE | > | New York Stock Exchange LLC {ICE .us} | |
SEC | > | Securities and Exchange Commission {gov .us} | |
SIC | > | Standard Industrial Classification {NAICS now} | |
TSX | > | Toronto Stock Exchange Inc. {TSE before .ca} | |
UBS | > | UBS Group AG / Union Bank of Switzerland {.ch} | |
UTC | > | Coordinated Universal Time {ITU} | |
------------------- | |||
AUD | > | Australian Dollar {FX} | |
BGN | > | Bulgarian Lev {FX} | |
BRL | > | Brazilian Real {FX} | |
BTC | > | Bitcoin {crypto-FX} | |
CAD | > | Canadian Dollar {FX} | |
CHF | > | Swiss Franc / Confederation Helvetica Franc {FX} | |
CNY | > | Chinese Yuan / Renminbi {FX} | |
EUR | > | Euro {FX} | |
GBP | > | Great Britain Pound / Sterling {FX} | |
HKD | > | Hong Kong Dollar {FX} | |
INR | > | Indian Rupee {FX} | |
JPY | > | Japanese Yen {FX} | |
RUB | > | Russian Ruble {FX} | |
SGD | > | Singapore Dollar {FX} | |
SMI | > | Swiss Market Index | |
USD | > | United States Dollar {FX} | |
ZAR | > | South African Rand / Zuid Afrikaanse Rand {FX} | |
------------------ | |||
ALG | > | Algebra | |
AM | > | Arithmetic Mean | |
ANOVA | > | Analysis Of Variance | |
APPROX | > | Approximation/Approximate | |
CDF | > | Cumulative Distribution Function | |
CLT | > | Central Limit Theorem | |
CONST | > | Constant | |
CORR | > | Coefficient of Correlation | |
COV | > | Covariance | |
CV | > | Coefficient of Variation {= SD/WM} | |
DERV | > | Derivatives | |
EXP | > | Exponetial {= f(x)} | |
FUNC|f(x) | > | Function | |
GM | > | Geometric Mean | |
GRAPH | > | Graphic {= f(x)} | |
H0 | > | Null Hypothesis | |
HA | > | Alternative Hypothesis | |
HM | > | Harmonic Mean | |
IID | > | Independently and Identically Distributed | |
IQR | > | Interquartile Range | |
KURT | > | Kurtosis {4M: fourth moment} | |
LIM | > | Limit | |
LN | > | Lognormal / Natural Logarithm {= f(x)} | |
LP | > | Linear Programming | |
MAD | > | Mean Absolute Deviation | |
MATH | > | Mathematics | |
MTRX | > | Matrices | |
NUM | > | Number/Numeral | |
OPT | > | Optimal/Optimization | |
PCA | > | Principal Component Analysis | |
> | Probability Density Function {continuous} | ||
PMF | > | Probability Mass Function {discrete} | |
PROB | > | Probabilities | |
R2 | > | Coefficient of Determination {regression} | |
SD | > | Standard Deviation | |
SKEW | > | Skewness {3M: third moment} | |
STAT | > | Statistics {descriptive, inferential} | |
VAR | > | Variable | |
VAR | > | Variance {2M: second moment} | |
VCTR | > | Vectors | |
WM | > | Weighted Mean {1M: first moment, expected} | |
---------------- | |||
(A)NN | > | (Artificial) Neural Network {AI} | |
*.ACCDB | > | Acess Database {MS Office DB} | |
*.DOC(X) | > | Word Document {MS Office, Winword} | |
*.EXE | > | Executable {bin machine code} | |
*.MDB | > | Access Database {MS Office old DB} | |
*.PPT(X) | > | PowerPoint {MS Office} | |
*.PSD | > | Photoshop Document {Adobe img} | |
*.WMA | > | Windows Media Audio {MS} | |
*.XLM | > | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook {MS Office old} | |
*.XLS(X) | > | Excel Workbook {MS Office} | |
*.XLSB | > | Excel Binary Macro-Enabled Workbook {MS Office} | |
*.XLSM | > | Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook {MS Office} | |
[CMYK] | > | Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key Black {printer color code} | |
[DPI] | > | Dots Per Inch {printer} | |
[HSL] | > | Hue, Saturation, and Lightness {screen color code} | |
[PPI] | > | Pixels Per Inch {screen} | |
[RGB] | > | Red, Green, and Blue {screen color code} | |
[TWIP] | > | Twentieth of an (Imperial/Inch) Point {20 per typo point x 72 = 1440 per inch} | |
AAC(+) | > | Advanced Audio Coding | |
ABAP | > | Advanced Business Application Programming {SAP prog/lng} | |
ABBR | > | Abbreviation | |
AD | > | Active Directory {domain network service} | |
ADO(.NET) | > | ActiveX Data Objects {MS DB lib .NET} | |
AI | > | Artifical Intelligence | |
AJAX | > | Asynchronous JavaScript And XML | |
ALGO | > | Algorithmic/Algorithm {prog} | |
AND[*] | > | Conjunction {logic opr/gate} | |
ANSI | > | (American National Standards Institute) {8 bit win/CP-1252 char encoding > ISO 8859-1} | |
API | > | Application Programming Interface {lib specs} | |
APP | > | Application {prog/soft} | |
AR | > | Augmented Reality | |
ARG | > | Argument {var} | |
ASCII | > | American Standard Code for Information Interchange {7/8 bit char encoding} | |
ASP(.NET) | > | Active Server Pages {MS web prog .NET} | |
AUTO | > | Automatic/Automate | |
AVC | > | Advanced Video Coding | |
BAK | > | Backup {data} | |
BASIC | > | Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code {prog/lng} | |
BBS | > | Bulletin Board System {server, old Internet) | |
BCC | > | Blind Carbon Copy {email} | |
BMP | > | Bitmap {MS Paint img} | |
BOM | > | Byte Order Mark {unicode encoding id U+FEFF char in bytes at txt start} | |
BOOL|BLN | > | Boolean {bin, prog type, logic/alg} | |
C&P | > | Copy and Paste | |
CC | > | Carbon Copy {email} | |
ccTLD | > | Country Code Top Level Domain | |
CDN | > | Content Delivery/Distribution Network {proxy servers} | |
CERT | > | Certificate/Certify {id} | |
CGI | > | Computer Generated Imagery {gfx} | |
CGI | > | Common Gateway Interface {Perl scripts} | |
CHAR | > | Character | |
CLR | > | Common Language Runtime {MS .NET} | |
CMD | > | Command Prompt {txt terminal/inter} | |
CnP | > | Cut and Paste | |
CODE | > | Coder/Coding {prog/lng} | |
CODEC | > | Encoder-Decoder {digital data stream/storage, compression/encryption} | |
COM | > | Component Object Model | |
COMPL | > | Compiler/Compile {code} | |
COMPR | > | Compression/Compress {data} | |
CRYPTO | > | Cryptographic/Cryptography {encrypt/decrypt key}: The mathematical application used to write information in such as a way as to render it unintelligible to those who do not have the means of decrypting it. Plain text is encrypted using an algorithm and an encryption key in order to create ciphertext, which can be decrypted using the corresponding decryption/decipherment key (if reversible). | |
CSS | > | Cascading Style Sheets {web} | |
CSV | > | Comma Separated Values {txt} | |
CTRL | > | Controller/Control | |
DAO | > | Data Access Objects {MS Jet DB engine lib} | |
DATA | > | Datum/Data {info} | |
DB | > | Database | |
DBMS | > | Database Management System | |
DDoS | > | Distributed Denial of Service {hack}: A saturation (or denial of service) attack launched from several systems simultaneously. A distributed denial of service attack uses a large number of computers infected by a worm or a Trojan horse to launch simultaneous attacks at a target in a very short time. | |
DEF | > | Definition/Define {desc} | |
DEL | > | Delete | |
DEMO | > | Demonstration/Demonstrate | |
DESC | > | Description/Describe | |
DEV | > | Development/Develop {prog/soft} | |
DHCP | > | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DHTML | > | Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language {web} | |
DICT|DIC | > | Dictionary | |
DIR | > | Directory | |
DivX | > | DivX LLC {video codec} | |
DL | > | Deep Learning {AI} | |
DLL | > | Dynamic Link Library {binary compiled late binding} | |
DMZ | > | Demilitarized Zone: A portion of a network that separates a purely internal network from an external network such as Internet. | |
DnD | > | Drag and Drop {mouse CnP} | |
DNS | > | Domaine Name System | |
DOC | > | Document {file} | |
DOM | > | Document Object Model | |
DoS | > | Denial of Service {hack}: A denial of service attack consist in sending a large number of packets in large bursts to a system (packetting) and in order to flood it. | |
DPI | > | Deep Packet Inspection {header & data filtering} | |
DS | > | Data Science | |
> | electronic Mail | ||
EQV | > | Equivalence {logic opr} | |
EULA | > | End User License Agreement | |
EXEC | > | Execution/Execute {prog} | |
EXP(R) | > | Expression {const, var, opr} | |
FAQ | > | Frequently Asked Question | |
FAT | > | File Allocation Table | |
FB | > | Facebook, Inc. {.us} | |
FpML | > | Financial products Markup Language {ISDA} | |
FTP | > | File Transfer Protocol | |
GAFA | > | Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple | |
GDPR | > | General Data Protection Regulation {.eu} | |
GEN | > | Generator/Generate {num/data} | |
GFX | > | Graphics | |
GIF | > | Graphics Interchange Format {256 color, interlaced, transparent, animated img} | |
GIP | > | Geneva Internet Platform {DiPLO} | |
GNU | > | GNU's Not Unix! {open source OS} | |
GPL | > | General Public License {open source soft} | |
GUI | > | Graphical User Interface | |
HACK | > | Hacker/Hacking {cyber attack}: The series of operations used to attack/breach an information technology system. | |
HTML | > | Hypertext Markup Language {web} | |
HTTP | > | Hypertext Transfer Protocol {web} | |
IANA | > | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority {ICANN} | |
ICANN | > | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers | |
ID | > | Identity/Identification {doc} | |
IDE | > | Integrated Development Environment | |
IETF | > | Internet Engineering Task Force | |
IG | > | Internet Governance | |
IGF | > | Internet Governance Forum {UN} | |
IIS | > | Internet Information Services {web server} | |
IMAP | > | Internet Message Access Protocol {email} | |
IMG | > | Image {file} | |
IMP | > | Implication {logic opr} | |
INFO | > | Information/Informatics | |
INTER | > | Interpreter/Interpret {code} | |
IoT | > | Internet of Things | |
IP | > | Internet Protocol {IPv4, IPv6} | |
IPTV | > | Internet Protocol Television | |
IPX | > | Internetwork Packet Exchange {Novell NetWare network layer protocol} | |
IRC | > | Internet Relay Chat {prot} | |
IS | > | Information System | |
ISOC | > | Internet Society | |
ISP | > | Internet Service Provider | |
IT | > | Information Technology | |
IXP | > | Internet Exchange Point | |
JDK | > | Java Development Kit | |
JPEG | > | Joint Photographic Experts Group {progressive img.jpg} | |
JSP | > | Java Server Pages {web prog} | |
JVM | > | Java Virtual Machine | |
LANG|LNG | > | Language {prog/script/cmd} | |
LDAP | > | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol {domain network service} | |
LIB | > | Library {file} | |
LINUX | > | Linux Is Not UNIX {Linus Torvalds, open source OS} | |
LNK | > | Link | |
MAP | > | Mapper/Mapping | |
MAPI | > | Messaging Application Programming Interface {email} | |
MCSD | > | Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer {.us} | |
MCSE | > | Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert {.us} | |
MEM | > | Memory | |
MIME | > | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions {web} | |
MITM|MiM | > | Man In The Middle {hack}: A man in the middle attack is an attack in which an attacker is able to read, insert and modify at will, messages between two parties without either party knowing that the link between them has been compromized. | |
ML | > | Machine Learning {AI} | |
MOD | > | Modular/Module | |
MP3 | > | MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer III | |
MPEG | > | Moving Picture Experts Group {audio/video.mpg} | |
MS | > | Microsoft Corporation {.us} | |
MSDN | > | Microsoft Developer Network | |
MS-DOS | > | Microsoft Disk Operating System | |
MSN | > | Microsoft Network | |
NAND | > | Alternative Denial {not both, logic opr/gate} | |
NAV | > | Navigator/Navigation {browser} | |
NDIS | > | Network Driver Interface Specification {NIC API} | |
NLP | > | Natural Language Processing {tech} | |
NOR | > | Joint Denial {neither, logic opr/gate} | |
NOT[-] | > | Negation {logic opr/gate} | |
NT | > | Microsoft Windows New Technology {OS} | |
NTFS | > | Microsoft Windows New Technology File System | |
NTP | > | Network Time Protocol {UTC} | |
OCR | > | Optical Character Recognition | |
ODBC | > | Open Database Connectivity {DBMS API} | |
OLE | > | Object Linking and Embedding {MS tech} | |
OOP | > | Object Oriented Programming {prog paradigm} | |
OPR | > | Operator {arithmetic, comparative, logical} | |
OPT | > | Optional/Option | |
OR[+] | > | (Inclusive) Disjunction {logic opr/gate} | |
OS | > | Operating System | |
OSI | > | Open Systems Interconnection {model} | |
OWL | > | Web Ontology Language {semantic web} | |
P2P | > | Peer To Peer | |
PAK | > | Package {soft} | |
PARAM | > | Parameter {const} | |
PCX | > | PiCture eXchange {ZSoft Paintbrush img} | |
> | Portable Document Format {Adobe} | ||
PHP | > | PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor / Personal Home Page {web} | |
PIC | > | Picture {img} | |
PKT | > | Packet/Packeting {net} | |
PNG | > | Portable Network Graphics {interlaced, transparent img} | |
POP3 | > | Post Office Protocol version 3 {email} | |
PPP | > | Point to Point Protocol {data link layer} | |
PRNG | > | Pseudo Random Number Generator | |
PRO | > | Professional/Profession | |
PROG | > | Program/Programming {code} | |
PROT | > | Protocol | |
PUP | > | Potentially Unwanted Program | |
PWD | > | Password {id} | |
QoE | > | Quality of Experience {satisfaction} | |
QoS | > | Quality of Service {perf} | |
RAS | > | Remote Access Service {hard/soft} | |
RDBMS | > | Relational Database Management System | |
RDF | > | Resource Description Framework {semantic web} | |
REC | > | Record {DB} | |
REG | > | Register/Registry | |
RFC | > | Request For Comments | |
RSS | > | Rich Site Summary / Really Simple Syndication | |
SAP | > | Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing - SAP SE {.de} | |
SAS | > | Statistical Analysis System - SAS Institute Inc. {.us} | |
SDK | > | Software Development Kit | |
SE | > | Search Engine | |
SEC | > | Security/Secure | |
SEC | > | Section | |
SEO | > | Search Engine Optimization | |
SIM | > | Simulation/Simulate | |
SM | > | Social Media | |
SMTP | > | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol {email} | |
SNMP | > | Simple Network Management Protocol | |
SOAP | > | Simple Object Access Protocol {web services} | |
SOFT | > | Software {app/prog} | |
SPEC | > | Specification/Specify {desc} | |
SPX | > | Sequenced Packet Exchange {Novell NetWare transport layer prot} | |
SQL | > | Structured Query Language | |
SRC | > | Source | |
SSI | > | Server Side Includes {scripts} | |
SSL | > | Secure Sockets Layer {crypto network protocol, old TSL} | |
STD | > | Standard/Standardize | |
STRUCT | > | Structure | |
SVM | > | Support Vector Machine/Network | |
SWF | > | Small Web Format / Shockwave Flash {Adobe A/V} | |
SYNC | > | Synchronization/Synchronize | |
SYS | > | System {file} | |
TCP | > | Transmission Control Protocol | |
TCP/IP | > | Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol | |
TIF(F) | > | Tag Image File Format {img} | |
TLD | > | Top Level Domain | |
TOC | > | Table of Contents | |
TOR | > | The Onion Router/Routing - The Tor Project, Inc. {browser, DARPA .us} | |
TPL | > | Template | |
TRNG | > | True Random Number Generator | |
TSL | > | Transport Layer Security {crypto network protocol} | |
TTL | > | Time To Live {packet ping in [ms]} | |
TTS | > | Text To Speech {tech} | |
TXT | > | Text {file} | |
TYPO | > | Typographic/Typography {char} | |
UCS | > | Universal Coded Character Set {Unicode Consortium & ISO/IEC 10646} | |
UDF | > | User Defined Function | |
UI | > | User Interface | |
UML | > | Unified Modeling Language {software design} | |
UNIX | > | Uniplexed Information and Computing Service {OS} | |
URL | > | Uniform Resource Locator {web} | |
UTF | > | Unicode Transformation Format {8-32 bit char encoding, 17 planes x 1B16 code points} | |
UX | > | User Experience | |
VB(.NET) | > | Visual Basic {MS prog/lng .NET} | |
VBA | > | Visual Basic for Applications {MS prog/lng} | |
VBE | > | Visual Basic Editor {MS Office IDE} | |
VM | > | Virtual Machine | |
VMware | > | VMware, Inc. {DELLTECH .us} | |
VoD | > | Video on Demand | |
VoIP | > | Voice over Internet Protocol | |
VOL | > | Volume | |
VPN | > | Virtual Private Network | |
VR | > | Virtual Reality | |
VRML | > | Virtual Reality Modeling/Markup Language | |
VS | > | Visual Studio {MS IDE} | |
VSTO | > | Visual Studio Tools for Office | |
W3C | > | World Wide Web Consortium | |
WAP | > | Wireless Application Protocol {web, mob} | |
WIN | > | Microsoft Windows {OS} | |
WINTEL | > | Microsoft Windows and Intel {prod line} | |
WML | > | Wireless Markup Language {web, mob} | |
WSIS | > | World Summit on the Information Society {ITU} | |
WWW | > | World Wide Web | |
WYSIWYG | > | What You See Is What You Get {web} | |
XBRL | > | eXtensible Business Reporting Language | |
XHTML | > | eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language {web} | |
XML | > | eXtensible Markup Language | |
XOR | > | Exclusive Disjunction {biconditional, logic opr/gate} | |
---------------- | |||
(m)TAN | > | (Mobile) Transaction Authentication Number {SMS cross check} | |
(TELE)FAX | > | (Tele)Facsimile / Far Away Xerox {telecopy} | |
(x)DSL | > | Digital Subscriber Line {copper/fiber-optic phone} | |
[b] | > | Bit {binary digit, base 2: 0/1} | |
[B] | > | Byte {binary word/unit, octet = 8 bits} | |
[BPP] | > | Bits Per Pixel | |
[DEC] | > | Decimal Data/Digit {base 10: 0-9} | |
[DIGIT] | > | Digital Basic Unit {base X} | |
[EB] | > | Exabyte {1024[PB] = 1B60 bytes} | |
[FPS] | > | Frames Per Second {video} | |
[GB] | > | Gigabyte {1024[MB] = 1B30 bytes} | |
[GHz] | > | Gigahertz {1E9 hertz freq} | |
[HEX] | > | Hexadecimal Data/Digit {base 16: 0-F} | |
[KB] | > | Kilobyte {1024 = 1B10 bytes} | |
[KHz] | > | Kilohertz {1E3 hertz freq} | |
[MB] | > | Megabyte {1024[KB] = 1B20 bytes} | |
[MHz] | > | Megahertz {1E6 hertz freq} | |
[OCT] | > | Octal Data/Digit {base 8: 0-7} | |
[PB] | > | Petabyte {1024[TB] = 1B50 bytes} | |
[TB] | > | Terabyte {1024[GB] = 1B40 bytes} | |
[ZB] | > | Zettabyte {1024[EB] = 1B70 bytes} | |
A/V | > | Audio/Video | |
AC/DC | > | Alternating/Direct Current | |
ADC | > | Analog to Digital Converter {elec} | |
ADSL | > | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line {copper/fiber-optic tel} | |
AGP | > | Accelerated Graphics Port {dedicated bus} | |
ALU | > | Arithmetic and Logic Unit {CPU} | |
AM/FM | > | Amplitude/Frequency Modulation {radio com} | |
AMD | > | Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. {.us} | |
APPLE | > | Apple Inc. {.us} | |
ARPANET | > | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network {DARPA} | |
AT | > | Advanced Technology {PC} | |
ATA | > | Advanced Technology Attachment {protocol, IDE cable/connector} | |
ATAPI | > | Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface | |
ATM | > | Automated Teller Machine: An electronic machine that provides banking services. | |
BD | > | Blu-ray Disk | |
BE | > | Big Endian {most significant byte/bit first endianness} | |
BIN | > | Binary {digi data base 2: 0/1} | |
BIOS | > | Basic Input Output System {boot mem} | |
BIPM | > | International Bureau of Weights and Measures {.fr} | |
BRD | > | Broadcast/Broadcasting | |
CALC | > | Calculator/Calculate | |
CD | > | Compact Disc | |
CDDA | > | Compact Disc Digital Audio {74, 80 [min]} | |
CDMA | > | Code Division Multiple Access {radio com} | |
CD-ROM | > | Compact Disk - Read Only Memory | |
CENELEC | > | European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization {.be} | |
CERN | > | European Organization for Nuclear Research {.ch} | |
CGA | > | Color Graphics Adapter {4 color 320x200 display} | |
CISK | > | Complex Instruction Set Computer {Intel CPU architecture} | |
CMOS | > | Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor {integrated circuit technology} | |
COMP | > | Compatible/Compatibility | |
COMP | > | Computer/Compute {calc, exec} | |
CPU | > | Central Processing Unit | |
CSC | > | Card Security Code {3-4 digits} | |
CVC|CVV | > | Card Validation Code / Card Verification Value {CSC} | |
CYBER | > | Cybernetics {complex sys gov, feedback ctrl} | |
DAB(+) | > | Digital Audio Broadcasting {(T/S-): terrestrial/sat} | |
DAC | > | Digital to Analog Converter {elec} | |
DARPA | > | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency {DoD} | |
DD | > | Dolby Digital / Dolby Laboratories, Inc. {audio compr tech .us} | |
DD | > | Double/Low Density {360[KB] 5.25, 720[KB] 3.5 inches floppy} | |
DDR | > | Double Data Rate {ver 1-4 data transfer, bus} | |
DEFCON | > | Defense Readiness Condition {1-5, NORAD} | |
DELL | > | Dell Inc. {DELLTECH .us} | |
DELLEMC | > | Dell EMC Corporation {DELLTECH. us} | |
DELLTECH | > | Dell Technologies Inc. {.us} | |
DIGI | > | Digital {discete range/set of info/data, base X} | |
DIMM | > | Dual In-Line Memory Module {RAM board} | |
DISP | > | Displayer/Display | |
DMA | > | Direct Memory Access | |
DoD | > | Department of Defense {gov .us} | |
DRAM | > | Dynamic Random Access Memory | |
DTL | > | Diode-Transistor Logic {digital circuit technology} | |
DTT(V) | > | Digital Terrestrial Television | |
DTV | > | Digital Television | |
DVB | > | Digital Video Broadcasting {(-C/T/S): cable/terrestrial/sat} | |
DVD | > | Digital Versatile/Video Disc | |
DVD-RAM | > | Digital Versatile Disc - Random Access Memory | |
DVD-ROM | > | Digital Versatile Disc - Read Only Memory | |
EBU | > | European Broadcasting Union {.ch} | |
EGA | > | Enhanced Graphics Adapter {16 color 640x350 display} | |
ELEC | > | Electronics | |
ENIAC | > | Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer {1945} | |
EPFL | > | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne {.ch} | |
ESA | > | European Space Agency {.fr} | |
ESOA | > | EMEA Satellite Operators Association {.be} | |
ETNO | > | European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association {.be} | |
ETSI | > | European Telecommunications Standards Institute {.fr} | |
FD | > | Floppy Disk/Diskette {5.25, 3.5 [in]} | |
FDD | > | Floppy Disk/Diskette Drive {FD} | |
FDMA | > | Frequency Division Multiple Access {radio com} | |
FHD(+) | > | Full High Definition {24[bpp] color 1920x1080 video} | |
FREQ | > | Frequency {[Hz], iteration} | |
GEO | > | Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit / Geostationary (Earth) Orbit {sat} | |
GNSS | > | Global Navigation Satellite System {satcom} | |
GPRS | > | General Packet Radio Service {GSM} | |
GPS | > | Global Positioning System {sat} | |
GPU | > | Graphics Processing Unit | |
GSM | > | Global System for Mobile Communications {1-5G} | |
GSMA | > | Global System for Mobile Communications Association {.uk} | |
GSO | > | Geostationary (Satellite) Orbit {GEO} | |
HARD | > | Hardware {elec} | |
HD | > | Hard Disk | |
HD | > | High Density {1.2[MB] 5.25, 1.44[MB] 3.5 inches floppy} | |
HD(+) | > | High Definition {24[bpp] color 1280x720 video} | |
HDD | > | Hard Disk Drive {HD} | |
HDMI | > | High Definition Multimedia Interface {cable/connector} | |
HDTV | > | High Definition Television {DTV} | |
Hi-Fi | > | High Fidelity {audio quality} | |
I/O | > | Input/Output | |
IBM | > | International Business Machines Corporation {.us} | |
ICBM | > | Intercontinental Ballistic Missile {mil} | |
ICT | > | Information and Communication Technology | |
IDE | > | Integrated Drive Electronics {cable/connector} | |
IEC | > | International Electrotechnical Commission {.ch} | |
IEEE | > | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers {.us} | |
INTEL | > | Intel Corporation {.us} | |
IRQ | > | Interrupt Request {hard line/signal to CPU} | |
ISA | > | Industry Standard Architecture {bus} | |
ISDN | > | Integrated Services Digital Network {tel line} | |
ITU | > | International Telecommunication Union {.ch} | |
K7 | > | Compact Cassette {analog audio, magnetic tape} | |
LAN | > | Local Area Network | |
LCD | > | Liquid Crystal Display | |
LD | > | LaserDisk | |
LE | > | Little Endian {least significant byte/bit first endianness} | |
LED | > | Light Emitting Diode {elec} | |
LPT | > | Line Printer Terminal {parallel port} | |
LTE(-A) | > | Long-Term Evolution (Advanced) {4G mobile} | |
M2M | > | Machine To Machine | |
MAC | > | Macintosh {Apple PC} | |
MAN | > | Metropolitan Area Network | |
MDA | > | Monochrome Display Adapter {80×25 char txt mode} | |
MFN | > | Multi-Frequency Network | |
MIL | > | Military | |
MIMO | > | Multiple Input Multiple Output {radio com} | |
MIT | > | Massachusetts Institute of Technology {.us} | |
MMS | > | Multimedia Messaging Service {mob} | |
MOB|CELL | > | Mobile Telephone | |
MODEM | > | Modulator-Demodulator {tel/copper line} | |
MSISDN | > | Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number | |
NASA | > | National Aeronautics and Space Administration {gov .us} | |
NET | > | Network | |
NGSO | > | Non-Geostationary (Satellite) Orbit | |
NIC | > | Network Interface Controller/Card | |
NORAD | > | North American Aerospace Defense Command {gov .us .ca} | |
NSA | > | National Security Agency {DoD} | |
NTSC | > | National Television Standards Committee {analog TV .us} | |
OFDMA | > | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access {radio com} | |
OSD | > | On-Screen Display {info, menu} | |
PAL | > | Phase Alternating Line {analog TV} | |
PATA | > | Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment {IDE cable/connector, ATA protocol} | |
PC | > | Personal Computer | |
PC | > | Program Counter {CPU reg} | |
PCB | > | Printed Circuit Board {elec} | |
PCI | > | Peripheral Component Interconnect {bus} | |
PCMCIA | > | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association {card/slot} | |
PIN | > | Personal Identification Number {SIM} | |
PLT|PLC | > | Power Line (Tele)Communication | |
PnP | > | Plug and Play {hard auto id} | |
PNT | > | Positioning Navigation and Timing {GNSS} | |
PSU | > | Power Supply Unit | |
PTP|P2P | > | Point To Point | |
PUK | > | Personal Unblocking Key {SIM} | |
R(+|-) | > | Recordable {CD/DVD} | |
R/W | > | Read/Write | |
RAID | > | Redundant Array of Independent Disks | |
RAM | > | Random Access Memory | |
RES | > | Resolution | |
RF | > | Radio Frequency {[Hz], on spectrum} | |
RISK | > | Reduced Instruction Set Computer {previous Apple CPU architecture} | |
RJ11 | > | Registered Jack 11 {phone cable/connector} | |
RJ45 | > | Registered Jack 45 {Ethernet cable/connector} | |
ROM | > | Read Only Memory | |
RTC | > | Real-Time Clock {PC} | |
RTL | > | Resistor-Transistor Logic {digital circuit technology} | |
RW(+|-) | > | Rewritable {CD/DVD} | |
SAT | > | Satellite | |
SATA | > | Serial Advanced Technology Attachment {cable/connector, ATA protocol} | |
SATCOM | > | Satellite Communication {radio} | |
SATNAV | > | Satellite Navigation {satcom} | |
SB | > | Sound Blaster - Creative Technology Ltd. {audio card .sg} | |
SCAN | > | Scanner/Scanning | |
SCSI | > | Small Computer System Interface {cable/connector} | |
SD | > | Secure Digital {SD, miniSD, microSD card/slot} | |
SDHC | > | Secure Digital High Capacity {SD < 32[GB]} | |
SDMA | > | Spatial Division Multiple Access {radio com} | |
SDRAM | > | Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory | |
SDSC | > | Secure Digital Standard Capacity {SD < 2[GB]} | |
SDSL | > | Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line {copper/fiber-optic phone} | |
SDUC | > | Secure Digital Ultra Capacity {SD < 128[TB]} | |
SDXC | > | Secure Digital eXtended Capacity {SD < 2[TB]} | |
SECAM | > | Sequential Color with Memory {analog TV} | |
SETI | > | Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - SETI Institute {.us} | |
SFN | > | Single-Frequency Network | |
SI | > | International System of Units {BIPM} | |
SIA | > | Satellite Industry Association {.us} | |
SIM | > | Subscriber Identity/Identification Module {mob card} | |
SIMM | > | Single In-Line Memory Module {RAM board} | |
SMS | > | Short Message Service {mob} | |
SSD | > | Solid State Drive {flash chips} | |
SSID | > | Service Set Identifier {WLAN name} | |
STB|STU | > | Set Top Box/Unit {TV adapter} | |
SVGA | > | Super Video Graphics Array {256 color 800x600 display} | |
SXGA(+) | > | Super Extended Graphics Array {24[bpp] color 1280x1024 display} | |
TDMA | > | Time Division Multiple Access {radio com} | |
TECH | > | Technical/Technology | |
TEL|LINE | > | Telephone (Line) | |
TELE | > | Telematics {telecom/info, telemetry & remote ctrl} | |
TELECOM | > | Telecommunications | |
TTL | > | Transistor-Transistor Logic {digital circuit technology} | |
TV | > | Television {analog PAL/SECAM/NTSC} | |
UHD | > | Ultra High Definition {24[bpp] color 3840×2160 4K, 7680×4320 8K video} | |
UHDTV | > | Ultra High Definition Television {DTV} | |
USB | > | Universal Serial Bus {cable/connector, key} | |
UXGA | > | Ultra Extended Graphics Array {24[bpp] color 1600x1200 display} | |
VCR | > | Video Cassette Recorder {analog, magnetic tape} | |
VGA | > | Video Graphics Array {256/16 color 320x200/640x480 display} | |
VHS | > | Video Home System {VCR std} | |
VRAM | > | Video Random Access Memory | |
VSAT | > | Very Small Aperture Terminal {sat ground dish antenna} | |
WAN | > | Wide Area Network | |
WCDMA | > | Wideband Code Division Multiple Access {radio com} | |
WD | > | Western Digital Corporation {.us} | |
Wi-Fi | > | Wireless Fidelity {WLAN trademark, IEEE 802.11 standards} | |
WiMAX | > | Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access {radio com} | |
WLAN | > | Wireless Local Area Network | |
WPA | > | Wi-Fi Protected Access {prot} | |
XGA(+) | > | Extended Graphics Array {256 color 1024x768 display} | |
--------------- | |||
BIO | > | Biological/Biology | |
BIOTECH | > | Biotechnology | |
CALICO | > | California Life Company - Calico Life Sciences, LLC {.us} | |
CAT|CT | > | Computerized/Computed (Axial) Tomography {X-ray scan, 3D slicing} | |
DNA | > | Deoxyribonucleic Acid {gene} | |
Dr | > | Doctor | |
eHEALTH | > | electronic Health | |
EHR | > | Electronic Health Record | |
EMR | > | Electronic Medical Record {EHR} | |
GENE | > | Genetics | |
ISfTeH | > | International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth {.ch} | |
MD | > | Doctor of Medicine / Medicinae Doctor | |
MED | > | Medicine | |
MRI | > | Magnetic Resonance Imaging {magnetic field, radiowave scan, 3D slicing} | |
PET | > | Positron Emission Tomography {radionuclide gamma ray tracer/scan, 3D slicing} | |
TELEMED | > | Telemedicine | |
WHO | > | World Health Organization {.ch} |
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